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+1 701 378 2212

Orchestra Charity Office takes care of your asset management, administration and governance

We help charities, endowment funds and other charitable organisations free up as much time and funds for their (social) missions. We do this by taking over all the mandatory actions for setting up asset management, administration, management, supervision and regulation.

The interplay of all these elements brings structure and peace of mind to your organization. In this way, we assist in managing your responsibility and liability.

We harbour all the necessary expertise to support you, including ‘MyOrchestra’ our trusted online platform that offers you 24/7 insights and assurance. Our fee is a simple, pre-agreed, fixed annual fee, therefore we also contribute to your mission by the cost savings we achieve.

This is how we ‘unburden’ charitable organisations: we remove the hassle, while you stay in control and focus on the good cause!

Do you recognize the compliance stress?

Charities in the broadest sense of the word have in recent years come under ever-increasing public scrutiny. Various stakeholders and regulatory bodies demand insight, oversight, transparency from your organisation, leading to ever-longer compliance check lists. This puts considerable pressure on voluntary boards and the organisations themselves; not being on top of one’s own affairs, can cause significant reputational damage. You thus find yourself spending a disproportionate amount of time and resources tackling these hurdles and jumping through hoops. But you probably didn’t raise your hand to become a board member for box ticking duties only; you want to let your mission thrive. Luckily good advice and support doesn’t always come at high cost.

This is what makes Orchestra The charity supporter throughout The Netherlands

The specialist: only (charitable) foundations

Transparancy: one fixed, annual fee

Peace of mind: you are always compliant and in control

One-stop-shop: all expertise under one roof

Oversight: 24/7 online access to your own data

This is how we unburden our clients in 5 diligent steps from the start:

When it comes to the intake process at Orchestra, we do not cut corners. We take our time to properly get to know you. Firstly, we want to understand your mission, your target audiences, your processes and procedures. Our experience in dealing with many other funds enables us to help your organisation operate more efficiently, too. Once we have this information clear, it takes just five steps to genuinely unburden you:

We thoroughly analyse your current financial administration, including your grant making process, overall costs, governance structures and your asset management or treasury management services employed. This way – we can determine the service package that we will provide – together with you.

Based on our findings in step 1, we offer you a bespoke, fixed fee quote. This way you’ll know exactly what you will be getting and at what quarterly cost. No negative surprises.

We tackle the switch to our platform together. We know precisely what needs to be taken care of and walk you through the process step by step in order to make the transition as hassle free as possible. We make the transition to Orchestra as easy as possible.

Once on board, you have the absolute certainty that everything pertaining to your administrative organization as well as your asset management has been properly structured.

Our online dashboard in MyOrchestra gives you 24/7 oversight into your financial situation and you will be able to see how your assets are performing, what grants have been made out, or what the status of your fundraising is. This insight gives you the peace of mind to fully focus on realizing your social mission.

Trust first


De Nederlandsche Bank


Authority for the Financial Markets


Authority for Personal Data





Clients on Orchestra

Direct advice from one of our specialists?

Make an appointment now with one of our Charity Office specialists. No obligations, nor small print. Together we can then look at how Orchestra could help you increase your peace of mind by taking all the hassle off your hands, lower your overall cost base and free up more budget for your mission. Or follow us on LinkedIn first to get to know us better through our frequent opinions or client testimonials?